Ordering back issues through the website has now resumed for all available issues. Fulfillment of back issues ordered in early July may be delayed by up to five weeks, until mid-August.
Many readers have asked about the availability of reprints of out-of-print back issues. We’ve investigated options for on-demand single-issue reprints and would like to have a system in place by next year, but cannot guarantee it. In the meantime we continue to refer readers to the digital access to TAG offered by NEHGS at its website americanancestors.org.
How do I get a list of back issue topic descriptions?
TAG does not publish article abstracts either in print or on the website. Article titles (usually detailed and descriptive) and authors are listed in each issue’s table of contents (posted here as PDFs if recent) and the annual volume table as well. In addition there is a single searchable cumulative author-title table of contents for all of TAG volumes 9 to 85 on this website. This can be searched for all words appearing in the title of any article, which helps for surname and location searching. Go to tab CONTENTS > CONSOLIDATED TABLE OF CONTENTS to open the searchable file.
I received 5 of the 6 back issues that were ordered. Your included invoice, however, said that 6 were enclosed. I’m missing 88.1. How do I get this resolved? Thank you.
Resolved by email — sixth issue mailed and you should have it by now. Thank you for your patience!
I am a subscriber but never received Vol. 90, No. 4. Is it possible to have it sent to me?
Thank you.
Suzanne, we replied earlier by email and hopefully you’ve received the replacement by now! Thank you for your patience. — Nat Taylor
I received my replacement issue this past Saturday. Thank you! I was especially interested in the Underwood research.
can you tell me in whay issue is an articlr callede “Crazy Aunt Abigail”?
Jacqueline, Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, I cannot find an article titled “Crazy Aunt Abigail” in TAG. We should absolutely publish one! — Nat Taylor