The new issue of TAG, vol. 92, no. 2, has gone to press and will mail before year’s end.
Our lead article is by Terry J. Booth, the third in a series of articles he has authored or co-authored on the ancestry of William Wentworth of New Hampshire. This article resolves long-standing errors in Wentworth’s Lincolnshire ancestry and proves his closest royal descent through the Sothill, Fauconberge, and Greystoke families. Clifford Stott’s breakthrough article on the ancestry of the Sanborn brothers continues this issue’s New Hampshire focus.
Among the other New England articles is a piece by John Bradley Arthaud, MD, FASG, extending the progeny of Mayflower passenger Richard More in the sixth and subsequent generations. This article marks fifty years since Dr. Arthaud’s first contribution to TAG in April 1972, “Family Records: White, Melton, Head” (TAG 48[1972]:170–71), followed by “Abel White (ca. 1758–1823): From New Hampshire to Kentucky” in July (TAG 48[1972]:234–37). Thanks and congratulations to Dr. Arthaud, contributor for half of TAG’s century, and TAG’s indexer since volume 82
Thanks also to all TAG subscribers and authors for your patience as have resumed quarterly publication. We will finish volume 92 (dated 2021-2022) as promptly as possible in the first few months of 2023, and expect volume 93 (2023) to continue to make up time.