The new issue of TAG, vol. 92, no. 1, has just gone to press and will mail early in September. Volume 92 observes TAG’s centennial: the first issue of what was then titled New Haven Genealogical Magazine appeared in July 1922.
Our lead article is by Clifford L. Stott, FASG, presenting the long-sought identity and ancestry of brothers John, Stephen, and William Sanborn of Hampton, New Hampshire.
Also in this issue is a trio of mid-Atlantic articles from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the Chespeake’s Eastern Shore. Two New England sisters figure in one of our traditional Enigma features (unsolved genealogical cases). And a new feature debuts, Blurred Lines, showcasing the disproof of a long-accepted genealogical link.
Thanks to all TAG subscribers and authors for your patience as we resume regular quarterly publication this Fall.